![]() It seems like just yesterday I was snuggled up under my blankets reveling in the cocoon-like nature of winter. And here we are already facing the beginning of Spring. Buds are beginning to form on the trees, new grass is pushing through the earth and the flowers are slowly making their appearance. As the earth continues it’s annual journey around the sun, the Spring (Vernal) Equinox marks when day and night are equal in length. Next Sunday (March 20) will officially begin Spring, after which the days will finally start to get longer and the nights shorter. Throughout the world, the Spring Equinox is symbolic of new beginnings and a season filled with birth, transformation and growth. As we take our visual cues from nature, how can we truly take advantage of the distinct energy shift ushered in through Spring? One way is to Consciously Allow it. If we are not mindfully aware, we may miss the energy boost that spring can give us and merely just switch from our winter coats to spring dresses, never really shedding any of the external, emotional and internal baggage we may have accumulated over the dark winter months. I refer to Spring as the season of Consciously Allowing, because change is inevitable, but transformation is optional. Change is going to happen, regardless of our response. It is however, an individual choice you can make to align with nature and plant some powerful seeds in your life during this season of renewal. For instance, when planting a garden, you have to remove any debris that may have accumulated over the earth, tilling the soil to cultivate it for the new life that will spring from it. This allows the flowers, room to grow to their full potential. If we don’t remove the debris, it won’t stop the flowers from pushing through, it just makes it more difficult and more energy has to be expended. Many times we can be so busy with our everyday lives and become stuck in emotional patterns that we don’t allow any room for renewal, and before we know it, the sun is shining full force and yet we still feel sluggish and uninspired with no real transformation, just a shift from one season to the next. Here are 3 ways you can Consciously Allow the gift of Spring to help align you with this amazing gift from Mother Nature. 1. Spring Clean your Home. Spring Cleaning is more than just a traditional activity, it is a wonderful time to not only get rid of anything that no longer fits, is broken or is no longer needed, it also is a wonderful way to consciously allow a shift in your physical environment by removing all the clutter and negative energy that may have accumulated in your home over the dark winter months. If the thought of cleaning your entire home feels overwhelming, allow yourself to take advantage of the season by doing a ‘mini clean’. For instance, you could go through all of your clothes, shoes and accessories and give away those things that no longer fit, are no longer a part of your fashion palette or current style profile. When you hold on to material things that no longer serve you, you don’t allow space for new things to materialize . Consciously Allow yourself to get rid of any unnecessary paper and clutter. It is amazing how much paper can be accumulated in just a few months! By letting go of paper clutter, you Consciously Allow space for new solutions and inspiration. 2. Spring Clean your Emotions. Are you holding on to old emotions that no longer serve you? Are you plagued with anger, self-doubt and feelings of unworthiness? Spring is a wonderful time to release any emotional toxicity and create a new beginning. Some practical ways to Consciously Allow space for new emotions is by attending a personal development retreat or by joining a women’s circle or support group. By finding ways to let go of emotional clutter, you consciously allow space for new perspectives, ideas, friendships and connections. 3. Spring Clean your Internal System. Spring is a wonderful time to Consciously Allow your internal organs to cleanse, detox and be renewed through the removal of accumulated waste from your body. You will feel the energy shift as you lighten both your physical body as well as your vibration. One way to detox your physical body is through fasting as well as increasing your water intake while decreasing your sugar and salt intake. Every time I Consciously Allow myself to be presently focused on the season of Spring, I realize that just like a gardener. I am given an incredible opportunity to properly cultivate and till my soil in order to yield the most from my idea seeds that were planted in prior seasons.Just as a gardener has to allow the seeds to grow, we have to consciously tend to our physical, emotional and spiritual systems in order to allow for our maximum growth as well. As we can turn our faces to the sun and the shadows fall behind us, are you ready to Consciously Allow your full potential to manifest in the garden of your life? ~ Niambi Jaha-Echols
AuthorIntended to inspire. Serving delicious and uplifting food for the soul. Archives
June 2016
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